Peer Review Process

1. Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts to Nuts About Leadership through this online form.

2. Initial Screening: The editorial team conducts an initial screening to ensure that submissions meet the journal’s scope and formatting requirements.

3. Peer Review Assignment: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are assigned to expert reviewers in the field of leadership development and future-oriented strategies.

4. Peer Review: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, methodology, significance, and relevance to the journal’s focus. They provide constructive feedback and recommendations for improvement.

5. Editorial Decision: The editorial team considers the reviewers’ feedback and makes a decision on the manuscript, which may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.

6. Author Notification: Authors are notified of the editorial decision and, if applicable, provided with feedback from the reviewers to address revisions.

7. Revision and Resubmission: Authors revise their manuscript based on the reviewers’ feedback and resubmit it for further evaluation.

8. Final Decision: The editorial team reviews the revised manuscript and makes a final decision on acceptance for publication in Nuts About Leadership.

9. Publication: Accepted manuscripts are prepared for publication on the journal’s website, contributing to the advancement of cutting-edge theories, methodologies, and practices in leadership development and future-oriented strategies.

10. Promotion of Scholarly Work: Nuts About Leadership promotes the published research through various channels to reach a wide audience interested in leadership studies and futures research.

Through a rigorous peer review process, Nuts About Leadership ensures the quality and integrity of the scholarly work published on our platform, fostering innovation and excellence in leadership development and future-oriented strategies.