Guidelines for Authors

Accepted Article Types

We welcome original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, and theoretical perspectives that contribute to the understanding of effective leadership, organizational dynamics, and the shaping of future outcomes. Submissions must not already have been published in any peer-reviewed publication.


Submissions can be on cutting-edge theories, methodologies, and practices in leadership development and future-oriented strategies.

Article Length

Submissions must be between 1,000 and 2,000 words, excluding references.


Submissions must be written in English.

Layout and Format

The submitted text should be single-column and generated by Microsoft’s Office Word program (.docx).

Reference Style

References are mandatory and should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note). To help you format your manuscript, we created this template in Microsoft Word.


We accept and publish submissions continuously — there is no deadline to submit.

Review Process

Because Nuts About Leadership is rapid in publishing, some aspects of our review process are non-traditional. Our process is two steps:

  1. Two members of our Editorial Board must recommend a submission for publication for it to be accepted.
  2. Our assigned editor will make the final decision about whether to publish the submitted manuscript. The key review criterion is: “Is this article worth reading by others interested in this topic?”

Other Considerations

We do not have a traditional revise-and-resubmit process. Articles are accepted or rejected in their first round, with only minor revisions requested.

The review process is mostly transparent. To ensure honest critical feedback, critical reviews will not be published. They will be shared anonymously with the author.