Call for Papers

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We are excited to announce a special issue of our peer-reviewed open-access journal focusing on “Shaping the Future of Leadership.” We invite researchers and scholars to submit their work exploring the evolving landscape of leadership and its impact on organizations in the future. The expected outcomes are to generate cutting-edge insights that can help shape the future direction of leadership research and practice across various contexts and industries.

As we shape the future of leadership together, your contributions will undoubtedly subject the realm of leadership and management to thought-provoking discourse that seeks to enrich the academic landscape and foster a deeper understanding of the complexities of our globalized, technologically driven future.

Illustrative Research Questions / Themes

Illustrative research questions that may be addressed include:

  1. What are the alternative futures of leadership?
  2. How will the organizations of the future be managed and led?
  3. How will AI-powered technologies impact the future of leadership?
  4. What theories explain the upcoming shape of leadership?

We encourage researchers to consider the following themes in the manuscripts they may submit:

  1. Exploring alternative futures and models of leadership

The special issue aims to gather innovative perspectives on the potential trajectories and transformations of leadership in the future.

  • Understanding how organizations of the future will be managed and led

The issue seeks to examine how organizations’ structure, management, and leadership will evolve over time.

  • Investigating the impact of AI-powered technologies on leadership

A key focus is to analyze how emerging technologies like AI will shape and influence the practice of leadership going forward.

  • Developing new theories and frameworks to explain the upcoming shape of leadership

The special issue encourages the submission of research that can advance theoretical understanding of the evolving nature of leadership.

Submission Types

NAL Journal highly encourages high-quality submissions that delve into the profound changes arising in the realm of leadership and its impact on the future of organizations. We seek original research articles, scholarly reviews, case studies, meta-analyses, thoughtful commentaries, and insightful book reviews that address the myriad questions surrounding the evolution of leadership.

Submission Details

Authors are requested to adhere to the requirements for publishing in our journal. To help you format your manuscript, we created this template in Microsoft Word.

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s online submission form.
  2. All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process.
  3. Authors are encouraged to explore innovative perspectives on the future of leadership.
  4. Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  5. Authors are advised to follow the journal’s submission guidelines and formatting requirements carefully.

Important Dates

  1. Submissions Open: May 6, 2024
  2. Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024

Processing Fee

We are pleased to announce that in collaboration with the upcoming special issue of our journal, we are waiving the processing fee for all submissions. So, you may submit your manuscripts free of charge for this special issue.


For any inquiries or further information, please use the contact form.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and exploring the future of leadership together.


The NAL Journal Editorial Team

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